Party make up, confused? We get taken through our paces with Genevieve and get down and dirty with smoky eyes, the 'best' red lippy, highlighter, hair tongs and just so much more. Listen in for a beauty insider's top tips, and more than a few laughs along the way.

Genevieve Nikolopulos is a sought after independent PR with over 30 years experience within the beauty, fashion and communications industry.


We spent a fun and interesting afternoon recording a podcast with Jackie Lynch for her site Well Well Well. Jackie is a well known nutritionist, regular contributor to the health pages of the Mail on Sunday, published author of several books and Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (the renowned training body for nutritional therapists in the UK). You'll be able to listen in from December 5th here.



Happy holidays all, see you in 2020!

xeileen & xnancy

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