It's May, and we're working it!

Oh yes, we've been as busy as bees at Cucumber this May, getting our new collection just right, vlogging with some great women, giving a talk (with more to come - see below), being featured in Get the Gloss, and more...phew! Let's start here, with our blog written for the Club for Busy People, where we ask 'Is 50 the new 30 for Women?' (spoiler alert - no!)

Cucumber and Prevent Breast Cancer
It's us again, and here we are with Nikki Barraclough, the inspirational Executive Director of one of our all time favourite charities, Prevent Breast Cancer. They are the only charity to concentrate on prevention of this disease and do some truly excellent work. We were thrilled to let them launch a takeover of our instagram feed for two weekends in a row promoting a giveaway of all of our sample pieces. There was a huge amount of interest and increased traffic. We hope we have helped to raise some awareness of PBC and we urge you to give their website a visit to learn a bit more about what they do and why they do it.

Cucumber at the ESCP Europe Business School

Cucumber was thrilled to be asked to give a talk to a Masters in Marketing class at the ESCP (École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris) European Business School one of France's top three buisiness schools. It was quite out of our comfort zone, but great fun and we're hoping to be taken on as a 'case study' by some of the students. Vive la France!

Cucumber in the News!

We love The (lovely) Lady for choosing us as a top buy for anyone going through the menopause

Get the Gloss features Nancy Zeffman in their Wellness Wallet - read how she keeps her wellness mojo here.

#50sense wrote all about Cucumber and our 'cool clothes for hot women'. Read it here.

Join our Tablecrowd Talk!
We've been invited by Tablecrowd to talk about talk about all the highs and lows of launching a fashion brand and we'd love you to join us for the evening. Sign up here to be part of the in crowd!
Join here >

It's coming!
Our new collection is coming to life as you read this. Keep looking out for our new colours and pieces this month.

do this
It may be that Cucumber is a bit of a wild swimming fan. Outdoor swims in places from the Bude Sea Pool to the Dancing Ledge in Dorset have seen us cold but happy. We love Swimming with the Seasons which brings to life the beauty and joy that comes with swimming in nature. Watch, then swim!

read this
On the 12th of June, it would have been Anne Frank's 90th birthday. Her honest and fearless diary entries feel as modern and as deeply tragic as they were when first published. A good time to revisit. The Diary of Anne Frank.

Hope you like our new look newsletter. Our new look website will be up in June, just in time for our new collection! Let us know what you think.

xeileen xnancy

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