(Dr. Haggquist and volcanic bath mate in 1992)

Has Cucumber discovered the coolest fabric ever? What do volcanoes and cucumbers have in common - we ask a friendly photosynthetic chemist for the answer - meet Dr. Haggquist from 37.5 Technology.

Call it fate, synchronicity or pot luck but some of the most extraordinary and clever inventions are the outcome of a series of serendipitous events. 37.5 Technology is of those inventions but no chance of a spoiler alert here. This month we have Dr. Haggquist, this month’s Cucumber Q & A star, (and our first phyto-chemical guest) on his travels that included a volcanic bath in Japan, put two and two together and somehow came up with five, (read the story here). We’ll all be reaping the benefits of his creativity in our gorgeous new collection coming out this month, think tiered dresses, on point culottes and slouchy tees all in what we think is the coolest fabric ever.

What is a photophysical chemist?

One who studies how light interacts with matter.

Why volcanic minerals?

We use volcanic minerals because they are natural. The material is made by nature from the high temperatures in the volcano, so we don’t have to use any energy to make the material. We require a very specific chemical structure that is a “semi-desiccant”, absorbs in the human emission spectrum, and has a high surface area. Not all volcanic materials are equal.

(a volcanic mineral up close and personal)

Why the name 37.5?

We wanted the consumer to understand the importance of your humidity next to skin for comfort and the importance of core temperature on performance. Both are around 37.5% RH or 37.5 °C.

How did you get from a volcano to a high-performance fabric?

Serendipity, when studying in Japan some of my friends took me to a volcanic spa where you lie in hot sand. That caused me to understand what real comfort means.

(volcanic minerals as thread)

What are the top five things you love about 37.5?

What I love most about 37.5 Technology is the wide comfort range it generates. This allows me to easily pick out what to wear and know that I can do a wide range of activities in same clothing. When skiing or hiking for instance I don’t have to constantly add or subtract clothing. I can also workout in the same t-shirt I wore to work and then I don’t have to change after working out. It allows me to simplify my life. I also love the better night sleep I get improving my health.

What was your first ambition?

To be a scientist on the starship Enterprise.

(the Starship Entreprise)

What was your first job?

My first real job was working for the Air Force Weapons Lab working on high energy lasers.

What are you most proud of?

Raising my kids to think for themselves.

Who is your inspiration?

My Mother, she can overcome any obstacle put in her way and she does it with style.

If your 20 year old self could see you now, what would he think?

You are still alive! Don’t tell me anything, I want to enjoy the journey.

(37.5 Technology's cliffside pop-up shop)

What is the best piece of advice you were given?

My Dad always told me to follow my passion, when you love something the world always looks brighter.

Where next for 37.5?

We continue to look to the future to create value for the consumer being mindful of the world we live in. We are always looking to bring more environmentally friendly products to the market that actually enhance human comfort and performance.

Where next for Dr. Haggquist?

I will go where my heart leads me. I always like a bit of the unknown.

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