Our series continues, where we ask leading specialists, about themselves and their field. This month we speak to Amy Williams, the founder of one of Cucumber's favourite apps, Fem Foundry. You will find Cucumber there for Self-Care Sundays with simple and effective stretch sessions.

What is Fem Foundry and why did you found it?

I started Fem Foundry because I wanted to create a space where all women could connect, unite and feel like they belong without fear of judgement concerning age, background, identity or family life. I wanted to bring the likes of working mothers and leaders together and give them a platform on which to collaborate and express themselves freely and equally.

Fem Foundry is a one-of-a-kind global platform and mobile app that focuses on representing women in a broader and more meaningful way. The Fem Foundry mission is to challenge, re-define and broaden traditional networking beyond the boardroom.

I never leave home without ...

My lipgloss.

My signature style piece...

A jumpsuit. I love them!

My happy place?

Being outside in nature with my dogs. This is one of my favourite things to do as it really helps me to switch off and unwind.

What are you most proud of?

We launched Fem Foundry during a global pandemic which was super challenging. In many ways, it's motivated the business to continuously adapt, improve their offering and make phenomenal strides in a very short amount of time. I’m so proud of how far we’ve come, everything we’ve achieved so far and all the incredible women who have been with us on this journey.

Best piece of advice you have ever been given?

Don't be afraid to be different or pursue an unexpected path, don’t let negative feedback knock you – learn from it and move on, and remember not everything you see on Instagram is real! And never give up!

Where next for Amy and Fem Foundry?

We have huge plans for the future. Women are making incredible strides, particularly in the field of entrepreneurship. We’re seeing more women-owned businesses, more female investors, and perhaps most importantly, more brands waving their ‘women-owned and operated’ flag with pride. It’s become a badge of honour, rather than something to hide. Fem Foundry hopes to be at the forefront of this shift.

We’re connecting and enabling women on a global scale across a multitude of industries and we want to see Fem Foundry become the go-to destination for women around the world.


Step by step, everything is beginning to open up. How are you coping? Are you rushing out? Staying in? Please drop us a line and let us know how you are doing [email protected] we'd love to hear from you!

xEileen & xNancy

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